If you ask us what one thing that should not be compromised in any case in wedding photography, our prompt answer will always be wedding portraits. So, do they never compromised? Well, we can’t say so. There were many instances we had when it did compromise.
With many years of experience, we have some suggestions that will make sure that you will have a beautiful collection of your wedding portraits to boast.
1. Choose your photographer wisely
This is straightforward, isn’t it? Wait! It is not that simple as you might think. Just choosing the photographer by your friend’s recommendation or by looking at his Instagram profile might lead you to unwanted situations.
Many factors should be considered like, does he/she has an excellent in-house team of professional shooters or they outsource them? How and where they do their editing? Have you seen the setup? For detailed information, check out our blog article on ‘Things to consider before booking your wedding photographer.’
Remember that you are only seeing best of the best images of the photographer on social media, which might not be even one percent of the total pictures that he/she has shot on that particular event.
2. Have a pre-wedding shoot with the same photographer who is going to cover your wedding
Pre-wedding shoots are must for any weddings. The reason is that, by going for a pre-wedding shoot, you are not only getting a handful of gorgeous images, but this is also the best time to know your photographer well. You get an idea of how good (or bad) he is.
At the same time, the photographer also understands your point of views. He gets to know your likes, dislikes and the style of pics you like.
This bond and understanding play a crucial part during the wedding. You are no longer giving a fake smile to a person you are meeting for the first time. You are not busy on your wedding day explaining your photographer, out of all things, that you want this type of pics. Instead, you find that friendly guy, whom you know and who knows your taste, busy clicking the memories for your D-day.
3. Choose the right makeup artist
We have high regards to all the professionals who are good at their craft & we highly recommend to take special attention to the makeup person you are opting for your wedding. Makeup is also an art closely related to photography. There is always something new to learn and something new to buy. It is so vital that you stay up to date with industry trends.
If your makeup is not up to the mark, no photographer or editor can fix that. You should not just book the makeup artist on the recommendation of your friend. Go to the parlor, meet the person, see the setup, and most importantly have a trial makeup a month before the wedding to get over from any guesswork!
Over the years, we have worked with many makeup artists, and we have some of our favorites. You can check out our preferred vendor’s list here if your wedding is happening in Surat (Gujarat) or nearby.

4. Be ready early and spare some dedicated time for photography
You planned everything. You sorted out some pics to be taken during your wedding. You shared all the ideas beforehand with your photographer. However, you got ready at the last minute, and everyone is waiting for you! Nobody will be able to produce good sets of creative images if you don’t give proper time and space to do so.
You have to get ready at least half an hour before the event starting time. Keep aside 20 to 30 minutes for photography. Those 20 minutes would give you some images to cherish for a lifetime.
5. For a wedding with more than a thousand guests, an event manager is recommended
Well, you might feel that this is not directly connected to the great wedding portraits but believe me, it does. We have seen the bride crying watching the set of her wedding as it was completely different than planned. We have seen the father of the bride worryingly asking for pundit or sound operator on the phone instead of attending the guests. We have seen the bride all alone, waiting for the car while all the relatives went to the ground living her behind.
All these mismanagements, all these last minute hassles will do no good to the mood of the bride eventually affecting the pics. The bride should be happy, excited, and confident on her wedding day. A good event manager’s job is to take care of the all boring but essential tasks of the wedding while you relax and enjoy the most significant event of your life.
While to find an outstanding and efficient event manager is a pain, we have witnessed some creative and flawless work by event managers during the weddings we have covered. We have shortlisted those agencies under our preferred vendor’s list here to narrow down the search for you.

Remember that this is your day. A day that will never come back to your life again. So, be yourself, enjoy the moments, and let the photographer do his job.
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